Facebook Status Trick (Use at your own risk)
*Social Engineering skills
*Common Sense
Note : In this tut you wont know his/her Log-in credentials. All that you can do is update and post a status on his/her facebook page without him/her knowing. :) :)
Step 1 : Send this link to your target.
If your target opens or clicks the link there comes a new tab in your browser like this.
Click Here
(Our every FB account has unique email address)
(Here comes your skills in social engineering)
You have to get the email under the "Email a photo or video to" that will pop-up after you have given the link. (You choose on what alibi
you have to say as long as you get the unique email address)
Step 2 : After you get what you want ,Open your email (yahoo mail/gmail etc,)
Compose new mail then put the email address that you get from your victim.
Then type in the Subject the status that you want to appear in his/her FB profile. Then hit send! Your Done!
Note: As long he/she did not change his/her password you could still post a status on his FB profile using his/her identity.
Use at your own risk.:)
I hope you'd enjoy this Facebook Trick. :D
Source: Anonymous Philippines
Please help me to.Login with mY Account